Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Internal Security of India


6.1 Introduction: 

Internal Security can be defined as the management of security within the border of a country. It means the management of peace and law and order and upholding the sovereignty of the country. In our country, Internal security comes under the purview of the MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS.

Threats to internal security of India have been in existence for quite some time. These threats have been highlighted in various publications and reports. For instance, the publication Global Risks Atlas 2012, lists out societal resilience or governance and tasks taking into consideration terrorism, conflict resource security, economic security and considering aspects related to climate changes. It lists India as a ‘high risk’ category on security. Several risk factors are identified in case of India, particularly terrorism and political violence. 

From independence India has tackled homegrown insurgencies, externally felled rebellions, military and terrorism. At a time when we, as a nation, are concerned about external threats from countries. It is crucial to give equal importance to our internal security. In fact, the two go together hand in hand and a peaceful, united country can face external threats with great confidence and efficiency. 

The nature and the scope of threats faced by India are varied and vast. The complex threats which India faces originate not only within the borders but some of their sources lie beyond our border. Some of the activities of our neighboring counties, particularly Pakistan, China, Bangladesh and Myanmar have been a cause of concern. 

The poor state of India’s internal security situation may be because of a week criminal justice system which fails too adequately punish criminals. It may also be due to an unfavorable strategic environment. 

*External security: -Management of security against aggression by a foreign country. External security is the sole domain of the Armed forces of a country. This comes under the ambit of MINISTRY OF DEFENCE.

6.2 Dimensions of Internal security of India: 

In view of these definitions, it may be practicable to list the various dimensions of internal security such as armed rebellion, political security, economic security, environmental security and cyber security.

The multifarious threats to the Internal Security of India are purportedly showing signs of resurgence as per recent events.

About: -Recent events in news have brought the multifarious internal security threat again in limelight as follows: Recent Naxal attack in Chhattisgarh just before state assembly elections. Also, the Grenade attack in Amritsar during a religious ceremony in Nirankari Bhawan, seen by some as a sign of resurgence of Khalistan movement. The incessant attack on India soldiers and policeman in Jammu and Kashmir.

6.3 Institutions to Strengthen Internal Security: 

  1) National Investigation Agency (NIA)

  2) The Multi-Agency Centre (MAC)        

  3) National Intelligence Grid (NATGRID)

  4) Combating Financing of Terrorism (CFT cell)

6.4 Various Challenges to India’s Internal security:

1) Nasalism: - Among the internal security perils afflicting India, an alarmingly burgeoning in LWE (Left-wing extremists, popularly known known as Maoists worldwide and as Naxalites/Nasalism in India, has been a major threat to India since the 1960’s, the term Nasalism derives from the name of the Naxalbari village in West Bengal where a peasant revolt took place against local lands lords over a land dispute in 1967.

2) Terrorism: - Pathankot attack that took place on 31’st December 2015, the attack of 26/11 on the Taj hotel, Indian parliament attack in 2001 etc. are the grim reminders how fatal the menace of terrorism can be.

3) Insurgency: - Insurgency in Northeast India involves multiple armed factions among which some favor a separate state while others seek regional autonomy. Some groups demand complete independence.

4) Separatist movements: - Separatism is the advocacy of cultural ethnic, tribal, religious, racial, governmental or gender separatism from the larger groups. As with secession, separatism conventionally refers to full political separation. Groups simply seeking greater autonomy are not separatist as such. 

Separation feeling in some states of India, notably Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab, Asam and in Naxal-Maoist afflicted regions are major threat to unity and integrity of India.

5) Illegal Migration: - In 2000, India with its net migration being 6.3 million persons ranked the sixth among the top ten countries in the world with largest international migrant population. 

Identity threat for local population, demographic changes, recruitment of migrants by anti-state actors etc. Are some of the security issues posed by migrants.

6) Cyber driven crimes: - Cybercrime is a crime involving a computer or computer network. The computer may have been used in committing the crime, or it may have been the target.

With cybercrimes opening as a new battlefront, India needs to fortify its information networks against malware. 

7) Drug trafficking: - This two-way illegal movement of narcotics and drugs pose a significant threat to the national security ass the breach of international borders indicates that arms smuggling, and infiltration is equally feasible along with terror financing by the money generated by the illegal sale of narcotics and drugs. 

  The 43rd Report the concerned Parliamentary Standing Committee, the Ministry of Home Affairs has brought out that “210 of the 535 districts in the country are affected by serious internal security problems or public disorders.” and almost 40 percent of areas facing serious disorders of one or the other kind.

6.5 Conclusion:

The weaking of the federal structure, increasing economic inequalities and the rise of communalism are creating fissures in society and pose a real threat to the country. Talking the people along on the path of development and secularism is the only way to ensure India from internal and external vulnerabilities.

Team Yuva Aaveg

(Praveen Kumar Maurya)

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  1. Badhiya likhe ho yrr. Keep it up.and all the best to every member of team for their beautiful efforts🥰🥰🥰

  2. Nice work ... Great information.. very helpful....

  3. Very informative

  4. Nice thought.. important information..

  5. Great efforts🤩


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